Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Blog changes

Firstly, call me an insane man. But gooddie! we had our first comment. Call me insane or whatever, I really don't care, it made my day (Hint, hint :P).

Secondly I worked on the lay-out of the blog. The difference should be notable if you saw the blog before the change (If you did, please tell us what you think thus far). Quite some of the changes were inspired by some hints I found on Blog Azeroth wich I find extremely helpfull and highly recommend to all who think of blogging (though chances are you already know of it. And I'm very pleased with the results although there are some things I'm not completely satisfied with.

Firstly the header, I made it myself, which is the prime reason for it's less then impressive look (working on something else (and meanwhile learning to work The Gimp):P). And somehow it still sticks outside it's box on the right side (we ticked the "Shrink to fit" box, we swears).

And then there is the suggestion of a blog search that is MIA at the moment. Although not yet very useful at the moment (I mean this is the third post, nothing to search yet). But if I keep to my current post a day rate it might be usefull. Point is I can't find one (I'm looking though but any and all hints would be very much appreciated).

But apart from those points I'm quite happy with the results at this time. :D

Anyhow, for those who can't see or find all changes here's a list:

-A new (well updated anyway) Header
-A new Template (standerdized, I'm no code wizz)
-An email me options
-A link to Vispilio's Armory profile (for checking his progress in between posts)
-Made wowhead item pop-up link thingies work. (We made code stuff work, go us! Looksie!)
-Got ourselfs a Creative Commens License ( Check it out here)
-Got a traffic tracker (More code stuff)
-Made commenting easier (No registration needed, no caphta (or whatever). So no excuse to not comment)

To Do list:

-Write a decent "About Me" section (I'm my least favorite subject)
-Get a pretty (awesome) header
-Get a blog only search engine

I think that's it. Let me know what you think.

Pretty Please?


Anonymous said...

Hints? I'm not so good at hints! I'm an engineer; tell me how it is.

That said, I must have come after the changes. As always, opening up commenting so that anyone can comment is always a good thing. I've been using a number of domains for years now, so I've never had a Google or Blogger or Wordpress or LiveJournal or any other kind of account. I usually can get by using my AIM account, but even some blogs that I used to like to visit didn't allow that. Disappointing.

The header looks pretty good. One thing to consider is using the WoW Model Viewer to get a custom image. You can make some really awesome images with it, especially if you tie in in-game screenshots for background. For example, I used both to make an image for Piroska and Tallaa Al'shar (though I haven't used it on my site yet!). You can also use the model viewer to add images when you don't have an appropriate screenshot.

My layout (which I created myself) lacked a search for the longest time. I actually added it after I couldn't find some posts that I wanted to cross-link. How embarrassing! It's still not in the right place, but I figure that I'll work on that one day in the future.

About me pages are awesome. I enjoy learning about the people behind the blog. I'm still hesitant to put an image of myself up, but it's something that I'll do in the future. When I find a picture that won't make everyone go cross-eyed or something.

And I think that clouds sometimes look like cotton candy.

krizzlybear said...

OH! and to add to what you said about wanting to do an intra-blog search, blogger already comes with that, so you're good to go with that regard!

Naisdes said...

I would recommend a short one-line description on your header what your blog is about too :)

Blogger should have an option where it displays the blog name and the description over your header image. Thus, there is no need to add it yourself in GIMP.

And regarding the size, I had that issue as well. Only way I managed to 'fix' it was to resize it until it fitted perfectly.

Anyways, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I respecfully demand you start posting more frequently! hehe

Just found your blog not too long ago. The Gimp is an awesome program. I love it though my first love has always been Photoshop. The Gimp is wonderfully free though!

Keep up the great start though. We're looking forward to more posts.
